If taking animals to church were an option, how many more would attend?

Lots of people do not leave home without their pets. There are a number of reasons for this but, the fact is, they won’t even leave them home — even to go to church, if their animals aren’t welcome there.

There is more to this than would initially meet the eye. A movement is afoot that takes animal husbandry to another level — one that utilizes Scripture to suggest that animals actually go to heaven — and there is no shortage of passages to suggest that this is more than a simple possibility: it is highly likely that they, too, move to this higher plane of existence and, ultimately, will be reunited with those that love them.

We frequently hear [and see!] people commenting that they love their animals more than they love people.

Of course, this is true: animals don’t judge — much less condemn us — and they are ‘faithful, loyal and true’ as the saying goes, to the people with whom they share their existence. Since they cannot speak, they cannot talk back (unless they’re amongst those more ‘talkative’ types — the antics of which are frequently profiled online.

They are generally kind: to us, to each other (sparing for a bit of sibling rivalry) and they always enthusiastically welcome us into their lives whether we were gone to work, shopping or even gone for an extended stay elsewhere.

While there are those who insist animals do not share human type emotions, who can deny the love for humans these animals portray welcoming a servicemember home from deployment or a senior from an extended hospital stay.

Watch and tell us if you think these represent the equivalent to ‘human’ emotional responses to the circumstances portrayed here.


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