What version of Scripture is most true to the original Word

Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar.

The translation you choose to utilize in your studies can and does make a tremendous difference in understanding.

In this instance and for the purpose of this area of study, having the best comprehension possible will assist in understanding the incredible position animals hold in helping us comprehend the love and grace of God as attested to by and for our animal companions.

The purpose of this study is specific to animal enthusiasts who see animals as holding a position in the hearts and minds of their caregivers and is not intended for all people across the board. In fact, the reason we’re here is because of a lack of understanding on the part of many of those in positions of leadership who cannot and do not subscribe to treating animals in much the same way as we treat our fellow humans.

For those who do not understand the human/animal bond that is so imperative in the lives of so many — we do not intend to criticize nor to change their minds — but we do not subscribe to that particular belief system and, contrary to popular belief, Scripture justifies the position of providing care, concern, love and compassion to the animals that share this world with us for a wide variety of reasons. We ask only, then, that people who do not share our position to withhold their opinions concerning this discrepancy in beliefs until God Himself might delineate a clearer understanding than we have available to us today. Unless and until that moment occurs, we will continue to hold our pets in the highest regard and hope for understanding and even indulgence on the part of those who do not share our commitment.

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